Categories: entertainment

Popular actress Parimony has turned 23 years old

The Dhaka Times Desk Parimony, the famous and popular actress of Burmaan era Dhaka films, has turned 23 years old. He turned 23 yesterday Saturday.

23 years old, the actress parimani23 years old, the actress parimani

His birthday was spent very happily. In one of his reactions to the media, Parimoni said, 'Though my acting age is not very long, I am really overwhelmed by the love that the audience has given me in this short time.'

Parimani's new film 'Nagar Mastan' was released in various theaters across the country last Friday. Parimoni considers the release of this film as the best gift for him on his birthday.

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It is to be noted that the popular heroine Parimani made her debut on the big screen with the release of the film 'Valobasa Seema Meen'. After that, his other films 'Pagla Deewana', 'Aro Ahabbo Tome' and 'Lover Number One' were released. In every film, Parimony, the popular actress of the present time, came into discussion for her acting quality.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২৪, ২০১৫ 9:11 pm

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