Categories: international news

Terrible animals that benefit humans

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that domesticated animals benefit people. But not domesticated animals, there are some scary animals that benefit humans.

From the beginning of creation, there is a lot of feeling between humans and animals. However, it occurs in domesticated animals. However, apart from these domesticated animals and birds, there are some ferocious animals of the forest, with which people develop a good affinity. For example, they include ferocious animals like lions or tigers. And very popular beneficial animals include dogs, horses, cows etc.

But there are some other terrifying creatures that many of us don't know about. These terrible creatures are benefiting people.

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Researchers are working on whether the electric cells of this eel can be used in biomedical devices or electronic devices.

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The rats are also trained to find people in the rubble and to find leaks in gas lines. Not only that, these mice are also being trained to detect the presence of tuberculosis germs from human saliva samples.

This post was last modified on জুন ৯, ২০২০ 2:02 pm

Staff reporter

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