The Dhaka Times Desk China has moved away from the one child policy. Chinese couples can have two children if they want.
According to BBC news, the Chinese government formulated the one-child policy in 1979 with the aim of reducing China's birth rate and population growth rate. Under this policy, families in China could not have more than one child. It did not stop only with this policy. Strictly people were again forced to observe. Families who violated the one-child policy were fined. He was also fired from his job. But after 36 long years, China, the world's most populous country, withdrew from the one-child policy.
According to media reports, China's one-child policy is believed to have reduced the country's population by about 400 million or 400 million in the past few years. But the elderly people of the country have been pressing the government for a long time to withdraw from this policy.
Note that with time, several states of the country began to relax this policy. Apart from this, the current Communist Party has also relaxed this policy in the state for the last two years. Not only this, the announcement also came on the last day of the Communist Party Policy Committee Summit.
This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৭, ২০১৮ 11:06 pm
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