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The judge appeared in court wearing shorts!

The Dhaka Times Desk Judge Jesthyamani Murasinghe of India. He appeared in court drinking and wearing shorts. At that time, he was wearing a half pant T-shirt. Later, he took off his T-shirt.

judge court

According to media reports, this incident happened recently in Kailashahar of Unkoti district in Tripura state of India. However, the state government has taken disciplinary action against the judge in this incident.

It is known that the family court judge of Udaipur district Jesthyamani Murasingh appeared in the Kailashahar court premises in a drunken state. At that time, he was wearing half pants and T-shirt.

According to media reports, Murasingh also misbehaved with a civil judge there. Meanwhile, he entered the judge's office and pushed the chair and table. At one point he also took off his T-shirt.

According to a report in The Hindu, when a departmental inquiry committee was formed to investigate the incident, based on the report of the committee, it was decided not to increase the salary for two years as a disciplinary measure against him.

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