The Dhaka Times
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Rescued alive after 50 hours from rubble in Pakistan

The Dhaka Times Desk A person has been rescued alive after 50 hours from the rubble in Pakistan. The rescue workers rescued a young man alive on Saturday.

rubble alive after 50 hours

According to media reports, rescue workers rescued a young man alive from the rubble 50 hours after a factory collapsed in Pakistan. The country's government officials gave this information yesterday Saturday. The young man's name is Mohammad Shaheed.

After not finding Mohammad Shaheed for two days, his family assumed he was dead. The martyr's parents also identified the body of another person as that of the martyr. He took the body and buried it in his ancestral town of Kabirwala, 265 km from Lahore.

It is to be noted that a polythene bag manufacturing factory called Rajput Polyester collapsed near Lahore last Wednesday evening. The bodies of 37 people were recovered from the rubble of this four-storey building.

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