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Breaking news: Bengal Tigers washed Zimbabwe

The Dhaka Times Desk In the end, Zimbabwe lost in the third match as well. Today, the Tigers of Bengal washed Zimbabwe in Mirpur Stadium amid the cheers of the huge audience.

Bengali Wash Tigers

Batting first, Bangladesh lost 9 wickets and collected 276 runs. Coming to bat in the second half with a target of 277 runs, Zimbabwe was caught with only 2 balls. Losing a wicket of 4 runs in 2 balls, Zimbabwe's morale is under pressure.

After that, Zimbabwe lost 3 more wickets in a row. However, Zimbabwe scored a lot of runs in the middle period. However, it could not hold on in the face of the brutal bowlers of Bangladesh. After losing all the wickets, Zimbabwe finally collected 215 runs and suffered a Bengali wash for 61 runs.

Congratulations to the Bangladesh team from The Dhaka Times.

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