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There are several changes in Windows 10

The Dhaka Times Desk After Windows 10 came, some problems appeared. That's why there are several changes in Windows 10 to solve these problems.

Windows 10

Due to this update brought last Thursday, this latest version of Windows has brought several changes.

According to the news of CNN, the computer will be faster after updating Windows 10. Also, the image will be much clearer than before and reminders can be fixed very easily.

Software giant Microsoft is gradually improving Windows 10. And based on the opinions of users, the process of improving it will be continued, this company said.

Due to the new update, computers running Windows 10 will be 30 percent faster than computers running Windows 7 - that's what Microsoft said.

This interesting service is brought in the update for corporate users. From now on, the IT managers of an organization can decide for themselves what the next updates of Windows 10 will look like in their office.

Note that Windows 10 is currently being used on more than 11 crore computers. And now it is ready for the corporate world, reports CNN.

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