Obama also wants 'like' on Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk Does he need to ask for any likes? He already has fans all over the world. But even then, Obama wants 'likes' on Facebook! Such news has recently spread online.

According to media reports, US President Barack Obama wants fans to 'like' him, comment on him, and share his posts! Because of this, Barack Obama recently opened his own Facebook page. This page is titled 'President Obama, Public Figure'. CNN and The New York Times reported this information.

Obama already has a Twitter account. A Facebook account named 'Barack Obama, Politician' is run by his political campaigners. It is used only for his various political campaigns. However, this time he wants to be the president of the United States on social media, not as a political figure, but as a person Obama. That's why he opened this new account on Facebook. The page got 2 lakh 'likes' within 3 hours of its launch. Within hours, comments also came from Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. He thanked Obama. Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg also thanked Obama.

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Barack Obama posted a video on this newly opened page. The video shows him walking behind White Heights, visiting his hawk named 'Lincoln' and other animals. Calling to participate in the fight against climate change, Barack Obama said in a message to future generations, "Save our beautiful world for future generations." As per the rules, the page mentions that the messages and comments of this page may be saved.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৭, ২০১৫ 11:07 am

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