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Millionaire Donald Trump's proposal to close mosques in the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk Donald Trump, the owner of billions of dollars in the United States, made another controversial comment. He suggested the closure of mosques in the United States!

Donald Trump

According to NDTV news, Donald Trump is trying to get the nomination of the Republican party in the next presidential election of the United States.

The media said that Donald Trump gave an interview to MSNBC after the terrorist attack in Paris. In that interview, Trump said, 'If you want to see some of the activities of Muslims, you have to go to the mosque. You will see and know what is happening there. And only then will you understand whether the advice I am giving is appropriate.'

MSNBC reporter's question was to Trump, if you are the president, will you decide to close the mosque? In response, Trump said, 'Some mosques must be closed. This step can be considered to prevent terrorist attacks in the United States.

Trump also said, 'I don't like closing mosques, but we have to do it. We must consider this matter further. Because hatred and hatred are coming from all those places.'

Not only that, he also suggested that mosques in the United States be brought under surveillance. As an example, he cited Trump's surveillance of mosques in New York after 9/11.

It should be noted that the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said last Monday, "The mosques of some fundamentalists and extremists in France will be closed."

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