The Dhaka Times
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BCS cadre is the drink shopkeeper's daughter Asma!

The Dhaka Times Desk Money and nobility alone do not buy people everything. This requires strong will power. A drink shopkeeper's daughter Asma has become a BCS cadre!

Asma BCS cadre

Asma Khatun is a resident of Adani, a remote village in Rajshahi. Asma's father Shukur Ali used to sell almonds in the 70s. Currently, he has a small drink shop in Adani Bazar. Asma Khatun has found herself in the midst of a fatherless family. Asma has enlightened not only Nii, but the small Adani village.

Asma became Magistrate through 34th BCS. Asma Khatun is the eldest among four siblings. So he has to come forward to take control of the world. Asma Khatun is moving forward from such thoughts. Asmar was taught the alphabet by his father in his childhood.

According to news media, after scholarship in primary and eighth grade, he crossed the threshold of secondary and higher secondary with great success. After that, Asma completed his Honors Masters in Economics Department of Rajshahi University. Currently he is BCS cadre.

Asma Khatun said, due to scarcity, my education was about to stop. When I was in my first year in Rajshahi University, I got a job in a primary school. But the results in the university were good so I didn't do the job. Then my father was a little angry with me. Later, however, he realized his mistake.

Father Shukur Ali said, I have land for eight centuries, this is my wealth. And my sons and daughters are my dream. Asma has maintained her success in spite of all the hardships. I am indeed a proud father.

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