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Barashibalay temple in Jaipurhat

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Saturday, 22 November 2015 Christ, 8 Agrahayan 1422 Bengal, 9 Safar 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Joypurhat bar sibalaya Temple

The picture you are looking at is the Barshibalay temple in Jaipurhat. It is a historical temple.

Bar Shivaloy temple is located in Bel-Amla village of Jaipurhat district. There are 12 Shiva temples in secluded places surrounded by natural environment. The exact history of the temples in which period and by whom they were built is not known. However, the structure of the temple and the materials used in its construction seem to be from the Sena period. The reason is that Sena king Vallabh Sen was a worshiper of Shiva and a Shaiva. There are also some achievements of Sena kings in this region. namely Panchbibi's Lakma Rajbari and Patharghata. And so it can be assumed that Raja Ballal Sen built these temples here for Shiva worship.

Image & Information: Courtesy of

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