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The prices of two Huawei mobile phones have dropped

The Dhaka Times Desk The price of two mobile phones, Huawei G Play Mini and Huawei Y 625, has been reduced by Rs. 1,000.

Huawei two mobile phones prices

According to a notification of Huawei, the price of Huawei G Play mini mobile phone was previously 15 thousand 990 taka. Now its price is 14 thousand 990 taka. The Huawei Y625 mobile phone priced at Tk 9,990 will be available at Tk 8,990.

Huawei two mobile phones prices-2

According to Huawei's notification, both the Huawei G Play Mini and Huawei Y625 models support 3G. The phone has a 5-inch IPS display and dual SIM support. The Huawei G Play Mini set runs Android KitKat operating system.

It contains:

1.2 GHz octa-core processor
13 behind
5 megapixel front camera
Battery 2 thousand 550 mAh.

On the other hand, the Huawei Y625 smartphone also has Android KitKat as its operating system.

It contains:

1.2 GHz octa-core processor
4 GB memory
This smartphone has 8 rear and 2 front cameras.

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