Categories: international news

Famous as a suicide city Ilulissat story!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard that everyone in a town is suicidal. This time it was heard. Ilulissat, famous as the city of suicides, is for readers.

Ilulissat is a city in West Greenland. Many tourists come from far and wide to see its natural beauty. As a tourist town, Ilulissat is a well-known city for travelers. But no tourist can stay in this city for more than two days. And the reason for this is that there is no sunlight here.

For the people living in Ilulissat, seeing the sun is nothing but a blessing. Since there is no sunlight, the city is shrouded in darkness most of the time. Ilulissat's abundant natural beauty also contains some important facts that are truly disturbing.

This is because Ilulissat is known as the most suicide prone city in the world. In winter, most of the mountains, trees, even houses are covered with snow. Living a normal life then becomes very difficult. And so most of the people in the city choose suicide to get rid of! Starting from children and teenagers, the elderly are not left out of this work!

According to media reports, in 2000, the population of this city was 4,500 people. Since then, every two years at least 8 people died by suicide. But most of them are youngsters and school students.

About the year 2003. 40 people died by suicide in this city that year. Out of which 30 men and 10 women. Even in the schools of this city, boys and girls do not come and go at all. However, various measures are taken from time to time by UNICEF to reduce this death rate. Among these measures by UNICEF were the distribution of heavy blankets and the establishment of councillors.

The main task of the counselors was to bring them back from the path of suicide by counseling them in various ways. However, this attempt was not fully successful but somewhat successful. The residents of this city are now choosing the neighboring towns of Ilulissat to live. If the people here move to the neighboring cities, then Ilulissat will become uninhabited at some point.

This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০২০ 9:56 pm

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