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A devil's tower story! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Not the Eiffel Tower in Paris or America's twin towers, today there is a story of the devil's tower!

Devils Tower

The 867-foot-tall Devil's Tower is located in Wyoming. According to geologists, the stone pillars of this tower are of natural origin. Each stone is very large. Each of them looks as big as a mountain. Why is it called the Devil's Hill? The matter is not really clear. So scary to look at? Or is there another reason? But the video shows some hanging bones!

Geologists say magma seeps into semi-molten rock from inside the Earth, cooling the rock. This stone later appears to be a clear crystal of white moonstone. This stone is light gray or greenish in color. Again light and cold nature.

Watch the video to understand its long journey and the real story of Satan's Hill. But the path to this devil's tower is also very long and beautiful. References:

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