Categories: international news

IS tunnel discovery in Iraq!

The Dhaka Times Desk After Saddam was overthrown, IS built a base in Iraq. There are many tunnels where IS continues its operations with shelters.

According to media reports, IS has been controlling the Iraqi city of Sinjar for more than a year. Interconnected tunnels containing essential materials have recently been discovered beneath the city of Sinjar.

Sleeping bunkers, electric cables and sandbags for defense were reportedly found in these tunnels. In addition to this, US-made weapons, medicines and the Holy Quran were also found there, according to media reports. The tunnels were discovered after Kurdish forces captured the IS-held city of Sinjar this month.

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"We found at least 30 to 40 tunnels under Sinjar," said Iraqi Kurdish forces commander Samo Yado. They were built like another city under the city.

Samo Yado also said that IS is believed to have built these tunnels to avoid airstrikes and to store weapons and ammunition. These were essentially their arsenals. After these tunnels were opened, a freelancer was given video recording.

As seen in this video, each tunnel started out as a house. Smaller leaks have been made in the wall extending for several hundred yards. Each of the tunnels ended where it ended, going under a house on the other side. This is how IS has built its dominance underground.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২৮, ২০১৫ 10:25 am

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