Categories: Science-invention

Robot sumo wrestling competition in Japan!

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent event in Japan's southern Utah region is traditional sumo wrestling with robots. This competition is organized by a technical university in the Utah region of Japan. They give the audience a bloodless thrill-filled entertainment at the competition.

রোবটের কুস্তিরোবটের কুস্তি

Sumo wrestling is usually won by knocking the opponent out of a circular ring or by pinning the opponent inside the ring. Robotic sumo wrestling is also played by the same rules. However, to participate in robotic wrestling, the robot must be 18 inches tall, weigh less than 15 pounds, and be powered by a 3.5 volt battery. The robots are remote controlled. They work by remote command of robot operators. Despite the limitations of size and power, participatory robots come in all shapes and sizes. Regarding the shape of the robot, David Ward, an electronics engineer at Southern Utah University of Technology, said, "The best wrestling robots are usually small in size and full of tricks." This year's champion robot was designed by Japanese engineer Takayuki Hoshino. He designed the front of his robot with a sharp blade to slash at opponents. And the base of his robot was the tripod disc. Another competitor, Andrew Gustafson of Copper Hill High School, designed his robot in the shape of a spider with 8 legs and a body. It receives commands with the help of wireless remote control. Thus, many contestants participate in this competition in various forms.

Japanese software giant Fuji Soft ABC Inc. started the Sumo robot wrestling competition about 10 years ago and for the past 3 years has sent the top 10 contestants from the competition to Japan to compete in the International Robot Competition in San Francisco. Last March, over 4,000 participants registered for the competition. The competition at Southern Utah University may be just a preparation for the International San Francisco Robot Event, but it's giving the nation's science students a unique experience in the electronics sector. Many famous Japanese robot manufacturers sponsor the competition. In Japan, a country of advanced technology, research is constantly being conducted with the aim of using technology for the welfare of people. In this continuation, there is an enviable success in Japan's robot manufacturing. Japan is a world known name in robotics industry.

Source: ABC News.

This post was last modified on May 9, 2013 1:05 pm


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