The Dhaka Times
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Tokai millionaire by working!

The Dhaka Times Desk A woman has become a millionaire by tapping! The woman named Manjula Baghela from the Indian state of Gujarat used to work in Tokai. He used to collect paper from the streets.

Tokai is now a millionaire

At present, he also worked as a sweeper of the municipal authority for some time in 1981 for his monthly salary of 300 taka. But the surprising fact is that currently his annual income is 1 crore 25 lakhs.

It was 1983. He opened a company with sweepers. Named 'Shri Soundarya Safai Utkarsh Mahila Seva Sakhari Mandali Limited'. A company from which no product is sold. Rather, services are provided. This company provides cleaning and housekeeping staff to various reputed multinational companies, residential establishments.

60-year-old Manjula said that at present, his company provides workers to 45 places including various institutions and housing.

In a private interview given to Times of India, Manjula also said that in the beginning, the number of members of this cooperative organization was 40 people. Now that number has reached 4 thousand. Most of its members were once either paper pickers or municipal authority sweepers. And now they have various advanced home and office cleaning equipment in their hands. These women workers have been trained to use machines like road cleaners, vacuum cleaners, moppers to keep the roads clean in addition to small house cleaning machines. Employees of this organization are working very efficiently in various government offices after training from here.

Manjula told the media that this organization was not built in a day. Starting slowly, this company is now providing domestic help to people in Gujarat, Ahmedabad and even Delhi. He is currently the head of this organization. Seeing him, many others have taken this initiative. He said that his annual income is currently 1 crore 25 lakh taka!

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