The Dhaka Times Desk Never seen before. But this time everyone is shocked to see such a ghostly incident. Because suddenly the ship started crowding the shore. Which is filled with skeletons!
One by one ships are arriving on the Japanese coast. There are passengers in these small ships, but all are dead. The cause of death is a mystery. Over the past month, at least 12 ships have been carrying 22 skeletons and corpses off Japan's northwest coast.
What is more surprising is that these ships, which are about 32 feet long, look very old. In addition to skeletons and human remains, fishing nets and songs written in Korean were found inside. Japan speculates that these ships came from North Korea.
The identities of the dead are unknown as most of the bodies have turned into skeletons. Only one body has yet been recovered which has a skull attached to the torso. But the condition of the rest is very pathetic.
Japanese experts are almost certain that these ships belong to North Korea. They think they are unfortunate fishermen. Maybe due to the pressure of the state, they had to cross this turbulent sea. The reason for this is that North Korea's dictatorship is putting pressure on the country's farmers and fishermen in various ways. These pressures are to produce more crops and fish from the sea.
And that's why these unfortunate people left the country. They may run out of fuel in the middle of the sea, and their food will run out. Without GPS navigation, hundreds of fishermen have lost their lives by simply going the wrong way on board.
It may also be that they themselves left North Korea to get rid of poverty and dictatorship. He wanted to immigrate to countries like China or South Korea in the hope of finding asylum. But the end was not saved, these unfortunates lost the battle of their lives before reaching their destination. But ultimately the recovery of such skeletons remains a mystery.
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This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০২০ 3:04 pm
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