The Dhaka Times
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Fire in 5 compartments of Suvarna Express

The Dhaka Times Desk Miscreants set fire to Suvarna Express plying on Dhaka-Chittagong route. This fire was set while standing at the Chittagong railway station in the morning.

Subarna Express

It is known that Suvarna Express was standing at Chittagong railway station early in the morning to go to Dhaka. Some miscreants set fire to the train compartment. Before anyone could understand anything, fire started burning in 5 compartments. Later, two units of the fire service arrived at the spot. 6 fire tenders managed to bring the fire under control in an hour.

In this situation, an official of the railway station said that the train journey will not be cancelled. The train will leave for Dhaka except for the burnt compartment. So far no one has been arrested in this regard. The station authorities told the media that the security system of the station has been strengthened.

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