The Dhaka Times
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A new technology hoverboot scooter!

The Dhaka Times Desk Here comes a new technology hoverboot scooter. Nowadays, this hoverboot, which is popular among young people, has also become known as self-balancing scooter.

new technology Scooter

For the youth, the new technology is like a euphoria. Their dreams and reality always become one. This new technology has responded to the youth. The device you see in the picture is popularly known as the 'Hoverboot Scooter'. Not only among the common youth, famous stars like Justin Bieber, Jimmy Fallon also entertained the audience by using this hoverboot scooter in their videos this year.

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According to news media, the price of this scooter starts from 350 dollars to 1,700 dollars. This two wheeler scooter is made of aerospace grade magnesium alloy. The weight of the hoverboot scooter is only 12.8 kg. The battery of the Hoverboot scooter can cover a distance of 22 kilometers on a full charge. 16 km per hour is the maximum speed of the hoverboot scooter. This scooter can also be controlled through a smartphone app. Not only that, it is also possible to know the speed, charge, traffic data and other information of this scooter through the smartphone. All in all, anyone can run it as it is very easy to operate. And so this new technology hoverboot scooter has received a lot of response among the youth. Because earlier we saw skating with shoes, it had to be pushed with feet. And now, like a standing driver, you just have to control it!

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As much as the traffic congestion on the roads of our country, it is assumed that the urgent need will be possible by using this new technology hoverboot scooter.

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