The Dhaka Times Desk Doubts about opening Facebook are still not over. After a meeting with two Facebook executives, everyone was optimistic. But the opening of Facebook immediately is now uncertain!
Due to the terrorist activities in the country, the government is currently giving the most importance to the issue of security. That's why there is no guarantee of opening Facebook immediately.
According to media reports, long-term initiatives are being taken for security. The government has already started working to increase the technical capacity mainly keeping in mind the issue of dealing with technology-based crimes with technology.
In order to control the law and order situation and for the sake of security, the government has previously closed various means of communication on the Internet including Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp. The policy makers of the government think that they are successful in this goal.
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said, 'The purpose for which we have closed these media, we have succeeded. Our main objective was to maintain law and order and ensure national security. During this time, our law enforcement forces have benefited in many ways.'
The Home Minister also said, 'It has been convenient to keep an eye on the saboteurs. We have been able to control vandalism and criminal activities.'
In response to the question of when these media will be opened, the Home Minister said, 'due to the closure of these media, many people, especially our talented youth, are facing a lot of problems. As the matter is related to security, these means will be opened soon after reviewing the overall situation.
Therefore, it is assumed that in the current situation, the uncertainty about the opening of Facebook has not been resolved.
It should be noted that Facebook, a popular social media platform in Bangladesh, has been closed since November 11 due to security issues. About 11 thousand e-commerce traders of the country are affected due to the shutdown of the social media. Currently, the number of Facebook users in Bangladesh is 1.7 million.