The Dhaka Times
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Padma Bridge, the dream of millions of people, is becoming a reality: Prime Minister inaugurated the river management work

The Dhaka Times Desk The Padma Bridge, the dream of millions of people, is going to take shape. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the river management work on Saturday.

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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina unveiled the main work of the much awaited Padma Multi-purpose Bridge. Today (Saturday) at 11:16 AM, a helicopter carrying the Prime Minister arrived at the newly constructed helipad at Naodoba. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the main work of the Padma Bridge project, river management, by unveiling a plaque located next to the stage from the helicopter. Then the success of the Padma Bridge project is wished through prayers.

After unveiling the plaque, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina took her seat on the stage of a peaceful rally organized on the banks of the Padma at Jazira in Shariatpur. There he addressed the assembled people.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the Bengali nation can achieve all the impossible if it is united. He said, let the world see, we can too.

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In this event, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina highlighted the 'false allegations' of the World Bank and various obstacles in the way of building this bridge, a long-time dream of the people of 21 districts in the southern part of the country.

Sheikh Hasina said that she decided to implement this biggest infrastructure project of the country with her own funding to break the mentality of 'hands down' to do big work.

Sheikh Hasina said, 'I wanted, we can, we will show it. Today we have arrived at that day.'

At one point, Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina said, 'Bengali nation has never bowed down to anyone, never will.' Sheikh Hasina said, "We are the nation, the nation about which the Father of the Nation said, 'No one can be controlled', that is going to be proved today."

The country's largest Padma multi-purpose bridge project will be managed by the Chinese company Sinohydro Corporation. Its cost will be 8 thousand 707 crore 81 lakh taka.

The entire project will cost about 29 thousand crore rupees. Through this bridge, at least 21 districts of southern township will be directly connected with the eastern part of the country including Dhaka.

It is expected that this 6.15 km long bridge will be opened for traffic within the next 3 years. Trains will also run over this bridge.

Note that the construction of this 6.15 km long bridge is scheduled to be completed by 2018. It is the largest self-financed project in the country.

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