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Islam cannot be blamed for terrorism: Barack Obama

The Dhaka Times Desk Many incidents are happening to Muslims due to attacks by terrorists worldwide. In that context, Islam cannot be blamed for terrorism - US President Barack Obama has commented.


Barack Obama has warned his countrymen that anyone who blames Islam for recent terrorist attacks is following the path of extremists.

In a regular radio address to the nation last Saturday, Obama told Americans, "Those who see the war on terror as a war of Islam versus the West are the same group as the Islamic State (IS)."

"Terrorists like ISIS are trying to divide us on the basis of religion and background," Barack Obama warned. I repeat, bias and discrimination aid ISIS and undermine the foundations of our national security.'

US President Obama said, 'In the United States, Christian churches and Jewish synagogue authorities are also contacting local mosques. 'Which reminds us, we are all God's children'. Moreover, the grateful countrymen are also thanking the patriotic Muslim members of the US Army.'

It was Obama's third address to the nation since last week's attack by a Muslim couple in San Bernardino, California, that killed 14 citizens. In every speech, the US president called on the West as well as the Muslim world not to accept extremism.

According to media reports, there are fears that Muslim hatred will increase in the West due to terrorist attacks in Paris and California. There have also been some disturbing and sporadic incidents of reprisals against Muslims at various places.

Barack Obama commented, "Americans of all political persuasions, Democrats, Republicans, liberals and conservatives, have taken a strong stand against religious bigotry."

US President Obama said, 'Across the country, Americans have reached out to their Muslim friends, neighbors and colleagues, so that they understand that we are always there for each other.'

At a recent rally in Texas, a woman held a placard that read 'We love our Muslim neighbors'. Referring to the slogan, US President Barack Obama said, "I want every Muslim American to hear the message that we are part of the same American family."

It is believed that these comments of US President Barack Obama will mitigate the various types of oppression that have come down on Muslims in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks by IS.

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