The Dhaka Times Desk Popular TV-to-film actor Nirv's new film 'Meye Kaar'. Newcomer Busra will act opposite Nirav.
Just as he became popular as a model and acting in TV dramas, actor Nirav has been able to maintain that popularity even in Bengali films. Nirav is currently working regularly in films. Actor Nirav has maintained its continuity. Nirav has recently signed a new film called 'Meye Kaar'. This film is directed by Tahmina Zaman Himika.
On December 20, the shooting of the film will begin in front of BFDC's Manna Complex. According to the producer sources, the shooting of this film will continue till December 30.
The Maharat of this film was held at BFDC's VIP conference hall on November 6. Produced by Himu Productions, the film will have a total of 6 songs. There will also be an item song. Anwar Siraji will script and overall supervise the film.
It may be noted that another film 'Bhola To Jai Na Tare' starring Nirav is awaiting release. It is scheduled to be released nationwide on January 15, 2016.
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৫, ২০১৫ 12:41 pm
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