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Shah Jahan Mosque in UK

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 25 December 2015 Christ, 11 Paush 1422 Bangabd, 12 Rabiul Awal 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

UK Shah Jahan Mosque

The picture you are looking at today is Shah Jahan Mosque in UK. It is the first mosque of its kind located in Woking, UK.

Gradually, mosques spread in different parts of Europe. However, due to the arrival of many Muslims in the last century, the mosques in the region began to expand very rapidly. Major European cities such as Rome, London, Munich have many mosques with traditional domes and minarets.

Source: Courtesy of

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