Facebook will give notification if government closes Facebook account

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes if the government closes the Facebook account then Facebook will inform the customers through notification. That is, immediately the user will know it.

If the government of any country hacks (closes) the Facebook account then the user will know immediately. Facebook will only inform the user about this through a notification, after which it will be up to the user to take measures to protect his account.

According to media reports, the Facebook authorities have announced the creation of a new notification system in the face of various concerns of the American people regarding the issue of privacy on the Internet. It will notify the user immediately through a notification if the account is hacked by a 'government controlled player'.

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According to the news, this means that if the government of the United States or any other country hacks (closes) the Facebook account, the user will know immediately. Google has had such a system since 2012.

Alex Stamos, the chief security officer of Facebook, said that usually those who receive such warnings (notifications) can try to fix the account or, if possible, protect it from it.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২১, ২০১৫ 6:05 pm

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