Categories: entertainment

Mahiya Mahi can get married any day

The Dhaka Times Desk Mahiya Mahi, the popular and popular actress of the present time, said not to listen to rumours. However, he also said that he can get married any day.

Rumors have been heard for a long time that actress Mahia Mahi has married her childhood friend Shaun. Many branches have grown based on those rumours. Even the media has published news of marriage with old pictures!

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When Mahi was asked about the matter, Mahi said, 'Shawn is my old friend, why should we get married? Shaun jokingly posted a status that everyone is making news about, really funny. But I can get married any day.'

It should be noted that Mahi wrote on his Facebook status on December 11, 'Miss you Shaun, too much missing.' On the other hand, two days before Mahi's birthday on October 25, Shaun wrote in his status, 'Happy birthday to my wonderful wife!' These statuses on Facebook are basically the beginning of the rumor and later its branches spread. What is the reason for writing such a status?

Of course, Mahia Mahi also answered this. He said, 'Shawn we are very good friends, our family relationship is long. Besides, you can always see my pictures with them on Facebook. So we share everything between ourselves. We also have a lot of fun with ourselves. Looking at a status two months ago, how is the news from there now? I don't understand it.'

Mahiya Mahi dismissed the matter by asking such questions. But now maybe his audience will have to read them and keep quiet. Time will tell what actually happened.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২১, ২০১৫ 9:19 pm

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