A mobile phone that does not need a battery!

The Dhaka Times Desk A mobile phone that does not need a battery! It is natural that anyone would be surprised to hear such a thing. But the story is true. The name of this mobile is Nophone.

No phoneNo phone

A piece of news in the media can shock some people and that's normal. Because it is unimaginable that a mobile phone can run without a battery. Just such a mobile. This phone will 'run' without any battery. Depending on the model, the price of the phone is only 5 to 10 dollars! The price is low, but it will run without a battery, so surely the phone is lacking? It is very unusual to raise such a question in the mind.

But interestingly, that suspicion is not unfounded. Named 'Nophone', the phone has no camera, no music player, or even anything that conventional phones have. This phone is just a piece of plastic! Which is created only to remove the lack of smartphone in the mind of the customer.

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According to a media report by technology site Cine, although it is not a phone, it is being sold as a 'nophone'. There are 3 models of 'Nophone' for the buyers. The non-featured, phone-shaped piece of plastic is named the NoPhone Zero, priced at $5.

The second model, priced at $10, has fake buttons and ports to give customers peace of mind. But if this does not bring relief to the customer's mind, then he can take the feature-rich model 'Nophone Selfie'. Because that phone has black glass and fake button-port instead of the screen.

According to media reports, 3 phones are guaranteed not to work at all!

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০১৮ 11:15 pm

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