Nokia's popular mobile phone 3310 is coming to the market!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people remember the Nokia 3310 set. Mobile started in Bangladesh with this set.

The popular phone set that was popular at the time of the arrival of mobile phones in Bangladesh is coming back to the market after a long time, the popular phone 3310 of Nokia. Along with this, Nokia N series phones are also going to come in the market.

Nokia's current manufacturing company is HMD Global. They confirmed this information. However, nothing has been said about whether the Nokia 3310 will be a feature phone or a smartphone.

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HMD Global said that the company has applied for patent collection from China Patent Office to bring Nokia N series and 3310 phones to the market. They said that Nokia 3310 will reach customers in advanced form.

Recently, HMD Global launched the Nokia 6 in the Chinese market. The phone sold like hotcakes in the domestic market. This time also Nokia 3310 will be released first in the Chinese market. Moreover, it is also known that the Nokia N series phones will be presented at the Mobile World Congress 2017 held in Barcelona, Spain from February 27.

N series is one of the popular phones of Nokia. One of its models is N9. This phone first came to the market in 2011. Also N1 tablet came in the market in 2015.

According to HMD Global, the P1 smartphone running the Android operating system will reportedly be showcased at the Mobile World Congress. The price of the smartphone is estimated at 800 dollars.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৭ 7:40 pm

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