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After 71 years, Hitler's book on the market!

The Dhaka Times Desk One cannot find a person who does not know Hitler. The German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's book is coming to the market after almost 71 years!

Hitler's book

According to BBC Bangla news, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic manifesto 'Mein Kampf' is available to buy again in the German market after 71 years. Reprints of this book were banned in Germany after World War II.

According to media reports, the new edition, which will be available in the market, will have the original text as well as critical commentary. The purpose of which is to publicize that the book is badly written and its statements are incoherent.

Many feel that 'Mein Kampf' - literally 'My Struggle' - is a 'powerful' group' and its message will 'captivate' the reader. However, this new edition aims to show that this idea is not true at all.

Meanwhile, Jewish organizations have welcomed the release of the new edition, saying it will help explain why the Holocaust happened during World War II. It is believed that the new edition of the book will be published in many countries of the world from now on.

Note that 'Mein Kampf' was first published in 1925 - 8 years before Hitler came to power in Germany. Nazi Germany fell in 1945 during World War II. At that time Hitler committed suicide in his bunker realizing defeat.

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