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Breaking News: Appellate Division upholds Nizami's death sentence

The Dhaka Times Desk The Appellate Division upheld the death sentence of Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Matiur Rahman Nizami for crimes against humanity in 1971.

A 4-member appellate bench headed by Chief Justice SK Sinha gave a summary of the judgment today (Wednesday). The other 3 members of this bench are - Justice Nazmun Ara Sultana, Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain and Justice Hasan Faiz Siddiqui.

The International Criminal Tribunal sentenced Nizami to death by hanging one and a half years ago for murder, rape and intellectual genocide in Pabna during the 1971 War of Independence. The highest court of the country upheld the sentence by dismissing the appeal.

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Amir Nizami of Jamaat-e-Islami was Nazime Ala or president of Islami Chhatra Sangh, the party's student body. He was also the head of the Al Badr force formed to support the Pakistani forces. It has emerged in the trial of this case that he had an important role in the Razakar Bahini and Peace Committee formed to support the Pakistani forces in suppressing the independence-loving Bengalis.

Nizami is the third person to serve in Bangladesh's cabinet, now facing the gallows for war crimes in the 1970s.

It is learned that as per the rules, the full copy of the judgment will be sent to the tribunal after the Supreme Court releases it. The tribunal will issue a death warrant if it is received. The prison authorities will read the death warrant to the accused.

The defendant can apply for a review of the judgment within 15 days of publication of the full copy. If the review petition is disposed of and the death sentence is upheld, the accused will be formally notified and given the opportunity to seek pardon from the President as per the Constitution. After that, once the presidential pardon is decided, the government will implement that decision through the prison authorities.

It is to be noted that after Motiur Rahman Nizami was arrested in a case of hurting religious sentiments on 29 June 2010, he was arrested in a case of crimes against humanity on 2 August of the same year. Then on May 28, 2012, the war crimes trial began with the filing of charges.

A total of 26 people testified in this case including the investigation officer Abdur Razzak Khan on behalf of the prosecution. A total of 4 people including his son Md. Najibur Rahman testified on behalf of Nizami. At the end of the trial, the tribunal delivered its verdict on October 29, 2014, in which 8 of the 16 charges brought by the prosecution were proved beyond reasonable doubt. Out of these 8 charges, Motiur Rahman Nizami was sentenced to death in cases number 2, 4, 6 and 16.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৬ 9:51 am

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