The Dhaka Times
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A strange story of a fire shower! [video]

The name of this spring is 'Horsetail Spring'.

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw the shower. They are a stream of water. The water of the spring is continuously coming down the hill. But today there is a strange fire shower story!

strange tale of a shower of fire

There is a story of such a fountain of fire today. According to a news report, in the second week of February, the sunlight falls on the waterfall along the right angle. That's why the shower looks orange in color. This naturally formed fire waterfall is one of the most spectacular scenic views of Yosemite. The name of this spring is 'Horsetail Spring'.

The media reports make it clear that this beautiful sight cannot be seen until the sunlight falls on the water of the fountain properly.

But the waterfall must be lit. The falls flow east of El Capitan from an elevation of 1,570 feet. The temperature there must be quite warm. If the temperature is cold, the ice will not melt and the water will not flow in the shower. No water flows here in autumn. In the month of October again due to the same angle of sunlight, fire showers are formed like in February. However, most of the month of October, Horsetail springs remain dry.

People have been living there for about 100 years. Among them Indians are more in number. They knew the existence of this spring long ago. Again they never shared any information about it with anyone. The first group of white explorers came to know about this spring in 1851. Word of this wonderful natural spring then spread. And then people know the story of this strange fountain of fire.

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