Categories: international news

A British MP lives in a boat!

The Dhaka Times Desk A British MP lives on a boat in East London to avoid additional rent! He joined the parliament session from the boat.

British MP in boatBritish MP in boat

According to a report in The Telegraph, the rising leader of Britain's Tory Party, Member of Parliament Johnny Mercer, is living on a boat in East London because he cannot afford to rent an extra London house. He joined the parliament session from there.

According to media reports, Member of Parliament Johnny Mercer is a former army officer. He also fought in Afghanistan. He was elected MP in the last May election. He brought his boat from the south coast to Canada Water in East London to avoid overboarding. He is living there.

It is known that 34-year-old MP Johnny Mercer's boat does not have a bathroom or cooking facility. But he doesn't care about that. Not only that, he also said that this place is more dear to him than spending time with his family in a hotel.

The MP for Plymouth Moor View claims that he is entitled to 2,400 British pounds (about 2,80,000 rupees) a year in rent and a maximum of 23,000 pounds (about 26,74,000 rupees) to live with his family.

Mercer was elected to the House of Commons in May last year's election. He previously served as Captain of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery in Afghanistan. He bought the small motorized boat with his army pension money. He named it 'Pippa' after the family's pet dead dog.

After being elected MP, Johnny Mercer checked into a hotel in London and contemplated staying there permanently. However, he was shocked to see the extra rent of these in London.

Jonny Mercer said, 'I find it 'obscene' to pay that much for 2/3 days a week. I am not ready to spend that much money'. He also said, 'I have no desire to build a second residence in London. My family home is enough.'

Considering such a situation, he thought of bringing the boat and found that it would cost a whopping £1,200 in 6 months. Which can be said to be very cheap. Mercer also said many of his fellow MPs did not take kindly to his boat life. But no matter what anyone says, he has no intention of moving away from the current plan.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০২৪ 3:42 pm

Staff reporter

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