Categories: entertainment

"Sutpar's address" is going to Iran and Bulgaria!

The Dhaka Times Desk Directed by Prasun Rahman, 'Sutpar Adresha' is going to participate in two more international film festivals in Iran and Bulgaria!

'Sutpar Adresha' was among the 16 films selected from a total of 465 films from around the world at the prestigious Menar Festival in Bulgaria. On January 17, 'Sutpar Adresha' will be displayed there.

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On the other hand, 'Sutpar Adresha' is also going to participate in Iran's Ammar Film Festival next March. Meanwhile, 'Sutpar Adresha' will be screened at the Dhaka International Film Festival on January 19.

The government sponsored film in the financial year 2013-14 is 'Sutpar Adresha'. Aparna Ghosh played the role of Sutpa in this film. The film tells the story of her growth, sacrifices and struggles from teenage to middle age.

'Sutpar Adresha' starred - Anwar Hossain Chowdhury, Jayant Chattopadhyay, Mahmudul Islam, Shahadat Hossain, Saika Ahmed, Mim Chowdhury, Navid, child artist Kumar Nibir and others. Kumar Biswajit has composed the music for 'Sutpar Adresha'. And narrated by Asaduzzaman Noor.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১১, ২০১৬ 12:10 am

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