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The death of the patient by beating the doctor! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Doctors make patients healthy, this is the rule of the world. But this time there is a violation of that rule. A patient died after being beaten by a doctor!

Beating to death of patient to doctor

According to media reports, a tragic incident occurred in a hospital in the city of Belgorod in southwestern Russia. According to the news, a patient was accused of misbehaving with a nurse. When the nurse reported the incident to a doctor, he came and started brutally beating the patient and his companion. That's why the patient collapsed. The beating incident was caught on the CCTV camera of the hospital.

The Russian media also called the doctor 'The Boxer Doctor'. Although the incident took place on December 29, the CCTV footage was released recently. More than 7 lakh people have already seen that video.

The video shows a half-naked patient being examined on a bed. At such a time, a fit-looking doctor entered the house, accompanied by a nurse. Then the woman pointed her finger at the patient and pointed to the doctor, who immediately told the patient, 'You touched my nurse!' While saying this, he pulled the patient from the bed and punched him on the head. When the patient's assistant tried to stop him, the doctor started beating him mercilessly. Finally he was relieved by the intervention of the nurses. Then the doctor left the house!

The video also shows the nurse saying something else to her colleagues. After about two minutes it was noticed that the patient was still lying on the ground. The assistant came forward and asked the patient, are you okay? When the emergency department doctors were sent for no response, the accused doctor also returned. Everyone tried to save the patient for the next 8 minutes. But what happened before that. The patient died of severe head injuries. His body was later moved away from the camera. Bloodstains on the ground are also removed later.

According to ABC news, the Russian Investigative Committee filed a criminal case against the accused doctor after this incident. If found guilty, the doctor can be jailed for at least two years. The hospital authorities have already expelled him.

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