Sony discovered a surprising lamp!

The Dhaka Times Desk Sony invented an amazing lamp. As soon as you enter the house, you don't have to do anything for the lamp, AC, TV or other products will automatically run!

Thanks to this type of lamp, it has made people's daily activities easier. But how is this possible? The Japanese electronic giant Sony is proving this simple way.

According to news media, what is not possible in smartphones, it will be possible in connected gadgets very easily. If 2016 was the year of such ideas, then Japanese electronics giant Sony is making this idea even stronger.

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The company's new product 'Multifunctional Light' can do something 'impossible', which no one has ever imagined, perhaps no one has ever wanted.

According to media reports, this product will be able to communicate with products such as air conditioners and thermostats by sending data from water vapor sensors. And then as soon as someone enters the house, its motion sensor will detect it and send a blue or infrared light beam to the TV in the house and instruct the TV to turn on. Works as an internal intercom system as it has a microphone and speaker. It also has a microSD card slot. And all its functions can be controlled through a smartphone app, which the user can easily use anywhere at home or outside.

Sony has incorporated this technology into Amazon's Echo speaker in a flying-saucer-shaped lightbulb. Sony's bulbs will be available in Japan in the middle of this year. But nothing has been reported in the media about when it will be brought out of the country or how much it will cost.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২৩ 3:29 pm

Staff reporter

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