The Dhaka Times Desk Scientist Hawkings made his world presence known by making one or two comments from time to time. This time he commented, artificial devices can become lethal!
According to media reports, we know that various artificial devices made by humans are used for humans. But a time is coming when, they can become a cause of terrible damage to human civilization. Scientist Stephen Hawkings commented.
According to Professor Hawkings, there will come a time when man's own creation will pose a threat to humanity. These include nuclear war, climate change and artificially created viruses, he said. Stephen Hawking said these things in response to questions from the audience during the BBC Raith Lecture this year. He said, the ever-new discoveries of science will create new problems.
Stephen Hawking added, however, that this is unlikely to happen in the next few years. But Hawkings says he hopes we can spread out into space; I will also qualify to live on another planet. So this kind of setback will not cause much damage to the existence of the entire human civilization. He said artificial intelligence devices could become a disaster for mankind as they become powerful.
Stephen Hawking advises young scientists to be aware of the complexity of the universe. Stephen Hawkings feels that there should be an emphasis on conscious research on how technology is changing the world today.
Stephen Hawkings thinks that someday people will start living on other planets in the universe. However, he commented that this will not happen in the next few centuries.
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১০, ২০১৭ 8:17 am
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