The Dhaka Times
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Arabic letters flowing in the shower! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw many different showers. But we have never seen such a beautiful fountain of Arabic letters. This time such a case was seen; Arabic letters flowing in the shower!

Arabic letters falling into fountain

We have seen a lot of showers. And all those showers are of various perfect designs. But the design of such Arabic letters! Is this even possible? Dubai fountains are so diverse. Just as there is a combination of colors in the showers made by them, different types of music are used in it. They are not short of spontaneity.

Recently, a fountain was seen on the Internet where the water is falling gradually like the letters of the Quran. It also has a background music, where what is written in Arabic in the shower is being recited. This new discovery of science has surprised everyone.

Check out the incredible video
