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The story of living fish in the fridge! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Is it possible for any fish to survive in the freezing cold of the refrigerator? Naturally we know this is never possible. But this time there is a story that the fish in the fridge was alive!

Refrigerator fish alive

One such video surprised everyone. The reason is that the fish was in the fridge. The frozen fish was taken out of the freezer and released into the water. After a while, to everyone's surprise, the fish started moving again. Gamla swim in the water!

The video image was included in the news of the online version of Britain's Daily Mail. The video footage shows a group of people taking the fish out of the fridge and putting it in a container of water. After some time the fish came alive. The fish is initially still for a while but then starts swimming like a healthy fish.

But the Daily Mail could not confirm exactly where, when, or when the video was recorded.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that an animal frozen in ice has recovered its life. In December last year, a couple saved the life of one such frozen kitten!

Watch the video of the incredible incident
