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Koutoubia Jame Mosque in Marrakesh, Morocco

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 29 January 2016 Christ, 16 Magh 1422 Bangabd, 18 Rabius Sunny 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

The picture you are looking at is the Koutoubia Jame Mosque in Marrakesh, Morocco. This beautiful mosque is historical and spectacular.

Marrakesh is the second largest city in Morocco. Many call Marrakesh the 'Red City' or the 'Colored City'. This thousand year old city is very attractive to tourists. It is said that if you want to see the real traditional Morocco, you have to come to Marrakesh.

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One of the attractions of Marrakesh is the Koutoubia Jame Mosque. The mosque is very attractive and beautiful. This ancient mosque is the largest and most famous mosque in Marrakesh.

The minaret of this mosque was built in 1184-1199 AD during the reign of Caliph Yaqub Al Mansur. It is one of the best mosques and minarets in the world. The Giralda (turret) of Seville, Spain and Hassan Buruj of Rabat, Africa were built in imitation of this minaret.

The mosque is built in the traditional Almohad architectural style and has 4 copper spheres placed in the turret or minaret. The height of the tower is 69 meters (or 221 feet). Lateral length is 12.8 meters (or 41 feet). The minaret has a total of 6 rooms one above the other. Instead of stairs, special paths have been built in them. Through this way, the muezzin of the mosque can climb up to the balcony.

It is said that originally there were 3 spheres of the mosque. They were made of pure gold. The fourth sphere was reportedly built courtesy of Yaqub al-Mansur's wife. He failed to observe a fast in the month of Ramadan. As compensation for failing to observe the fast, he melted down his gold ornaments and constructed the fourth sphere. Qutbiyah Mosque is named after the Arabic word al-Qutbyan. Which means librarian. It is one of the famous mosques in the world.

Image and information: Courtesy of

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৫, ২০১৬ 6:50 pm

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