Categories: general

18 teams are on strike

The Dhaka Times Desk The first two-day strike called by 18 parties led by the BNP has begun. The strike is being observed peacefully except for a few scattered incidents.

Law enforcement is on alert. Situation is calm in front of BNP office in Nayapaltan. A large number of police are deployed and security is in place. However, no vehicles other than rickshaws were seen plying there.

BNP Chairperson's Advisor Shamsuzzaman Dudu, Metropolitan BNP Member Secretary Abdus Salam, Assistant Secretary Abdul Latif Johnny and Shamimur Rahman are staying at the BNP office from Tuesday evening.

A vehicle of Boishakhi Paribahan was vandalized in Gabtali in the morning. At that time 2 cocktails exploded. No violence or picketing was seen in Dainik Bangla, Paltan, Motijheel, Fakirapool, Kamalapur, Gulistan, Nawabpur, Sadarghat, Syedabad, Jatrabari, Dholaipar, Jurain, Kanchpur areas of the capital.

Till now (10 am) no news of such incident has been received in any other part of the country. However, several cars were set on fire in the capital yesterday.

It is to be noted that 18 groups led by BNP have called for the strike on allegations of attack on Hefazat Islam and torture of opposition party leaders and activists and demanding restoration of caretaker government system and resignation of the government.

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