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Learn how to make small electricity at home

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no exact address of when electricity is coming in and when it is going out. Find out how to make small electricity at home with such electricity velkibaji.

Know how to create small electric home

You can generate electricity by building a small power plant at home. All you need is carbon, Teflon tape and a pencil.

Let's learn how to make:

First, two small colored cards should be attached to both ends of the pencil. The carbon electrode and Teflon will move towards each other. The cards should be hung trigonometrically, so that they do not touch each other.

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne is the inventor of this device. It is cost effective as well as environment friendly. Besides, this tiny power supply will do the same thing as two AA batteries.

According to a media report, this device was demonstrated by the University of Tokyo at the Global Conference on Micro and Nano Systems in Shanghai.

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