Categories: Education and culture

SSC and equivalent exams are starting today

The Dhaka Times Desk SSC and equivalent exams are starting today from February 1. The education ministry and the education boards said that all preparations have already been completed for the peaceful examination.

16 lakh 51 thousand 523 candidates are participating in today's SSC and equivalent exams. Compared to last year, the number of candidates increased by 1 lakh 72 thousand 257. On the other hand, the number of institutions increased by 311. 27 centers have increased.

This is the first time that MCQ (Multiple Choice) will be taken first and creative or compositional (theory) after. There will be a gap of only 10 minutes between both the exams. According to board sources, the morning exam will be held from 10 am to 1 pm and the afternoon exam will be held from 2 pm to 5 pm.

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According to the exam schedule, the SSC theory exam will be held under 8 General Education Boards from February 1 to March 8. Today is the first day of Bengali (compulsory) First Paper, Easy Bangla First Paper, Bengali Language and Bangladesh Culture First Paper exam will be held.

According to the schedule given by the board, the practical test of music will be conducted on March 9 and the practical test of all subjects of SSC including basic trade will be conducted between March 10 and 14. It has already been informed that SSC (Vocational) Bangla-II (1921) (Creative) subject and Dakhil (Vocational) Bangla-II (1721) (Creative) subject will be held under Technical Education Board.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩১, ২০১৬ 10:30 pm

Staff reporter

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