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Debate in South Africa about education scholarships in exchange for protecting chastity!

The Dhaka Times Desk A debate has erupted in South Africa over education scholarships in exchange for chastity protection. 18-year-old Thubelihale Lodlo won the scholarship but was worried that she would only get the money if she preserved her virginity.

chastity education debate

Thubelihle Lodlow told the BBC: 'The only qualification for this education is that I retain my virginity. It is not possible for my parents to run the cost of education.' That is why Miss Eldo has to undergo regular virginity tests. Although Laidlaw does not mind.

"Virginity tests are part of their culture," says Thubelihale Lodlow. She doesn't think it's a violation of her personal privacy. On the contrary, every time he feels proud after the exam.'

Note that in South Africa, the age of marriage for boys and girls is 16 years. And Miss Eldo passed that age two years ago. However, Eldo still retains his virginity to continue his university studies.

The custom of virginity testing is very common in Zulu culture. Only those who passed this test could participate in the annual dance festival at the royal palace of the Zulu king. But human rights organizations object to this matter. Their point is that it is not right to combine sex with getting educational opportunities like this.

Palesa Mpapa, an activist of an organization dealing with the prevention of violence against women, told the media, 'The worrying aspect here is that it only focuses on girls, which is discriminatory. No attention is being given to the main problem of teenage motherhood or the increasing incidence of HIV infection.'

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