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"Valentine's Day" is banned in Pakistan!

The Dhaka Times Desk "Valentine's Day" has been banned in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan! The country's government believes that the day, February 14, may be considered an insult to Islam by Islamists.

Pakistan 'Valentine's Day' banned

All kinds of Valentine's Day celebrations have been banned in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. The country's government believes that the day, February 14, may be considered an insult to Islam by Islamists.

An official of Pakistan's Ministry of Interior said, the observance of 'Valentine's Day' was banned on the orders of Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan. However, the matter has not been officially announced yet.

The official of the country's home ministry said that it will be implemented by the administration of the capital and the deputy commissioner will control it by issuing a notification.

It should be noted that the fundamentalist Islamic party Jamaat-e-Islam has been creating obstacles in the celebration of this day in various ways. However, restrictions are being imposed on the observance of this first day by the state. This information was given with reference to PTI sources.

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