Categories: Science-invention

Horses can understand human emotions!

The Dhaka Times Desk We already know that animals and birds obey human commands. But now scientists are claiming that horses can understand human emotions!

According to media reports, horses can distinguish between happy and angry human facial expressions. For the first time, psychologists say that when domesticated, horses can learn to understand human behavior as well as adapt to humans.

Based on research, a group of psychologists from the University of Sussex in the UK made such a claim about horses. The report was recently published in a journal called Biology Letters.

A group of psychologists from the University of Sussex conducted the study on 28 horses. Horses participating in the study were shown large photographs of unfamiliar males. During this experiment, one researcher holds the photograph in front of the horse, while another holds the horse. It can be seen that, seeing the angry face of the horse, the sound of the horse's chest increased. At this time, the horses look repeatedly at the images with their left eye in side vision. The scientists claim that this test proves the horse's ability to understand human expressions.

Mentioning the reason for this, scientists say that mammals have the ability to process anything seen with the left eye on the right side of the brain. Again, the right side of the brain is active in processing negative stimuli. Annie Smith, a co-researcher on the research team at the University of Sussex, said that the study found that the horse's response to angry faces was very high.

When an animal is able to detect other signals, including human emotions, it has scientific and practical significance, especially when it is a domesticated animal, says the report in Biology Letters about horses.

It should be noted that similar results have recently been obtained in domestic dogs as in horses. And so the idea arose that being with humans has a positive effect on the intelligence of animals. Researchers have found such an idea by conducting experiments on horses.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১১, ২০১৬ 9:31 pm

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