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Like humans can see bacteria!

The Dhaka Times Desk Grandsons can see bacteria just like people! According to a recent study, bacteria use their body as a small lens to see!

Bacteria can see

Such a claim of the researchers has surprised the human civilization once again. Researchers say bacteria can see just like humans. A recent study has revealed such information. The researchers said that bacteria use their bodies as tiny lenses to see.

According to a news published in the media Skynews, in this process, each cell acts as a 'microscopic eyeball' or 'fiber optic filament' to allow the bacteria to see - this is what the researchers said. Not only that, from the results of this research, it is believed that it has been possible to know the answer to a question that has been going on for 300 years.

The question that has been going on for hundreds of years, not one day or two, is how do insects that depend on sunlight actually detect sunlight? As an answer to this, what has been known for a long time is that insects, like bacteria, can convert every cell in their body into tiny lenses and can determine whether light is falling in a particular place.

Cornard Moulineaux, a professor at Queen Mary University of London and head of the research group, said of the recent success of the research, "It's absolutely exciting to find that bacteria can see their world just like us."
The researchers also examined 'Synecocyst', a species of cyanobacteria. The researchers said, a single cell of 'Synekocyst' is about half a hundred million smaller than the human eye!

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