The Dhaka Times
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Low price HP NV13 laptop!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now comes a good laptop at a low price. This is the HP NV13 laptop. A major change has taken place in Windows laptops. It comes in affordability of quality products.

HP Envy 13 laptop at a lower price

There has been a major change in Windows laptops this time. Quality products have come within the purchasing power of the customers. The HP NV13 is the first version of such a product. The price is only 800 dollars!

However, there is no shortage of specifications in this laptop.

It contains:
15 Watt 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 processor
8 GB memory
128 GB solid state storage
It weighs only 2.8 pounds with a 1080p screen.
The body of the laptop is 12.9 mm thin.
Full size HDMI port.
Full size SD card reader.
Full size USB 3.0 port.
3.5 mm headset jack.

CNET experts have tested this laptop. They said, a good quality laptop at such a low price has never come in the market before. But it cannot be compared with other expensive laptops with high quality. But bringing it home is sure to please anyone. It has a fingerprint sensor. So you can lock it without password. So far experts have not faced any difficulty in using it. The same applies to the touch pad.

Bang & Olufsen brand speakers are provided in this new laptop NV13. That's why its sound is so beautiful. Apart from that, its design is very similar to Apple's laptop.

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