The Dhaka Times Desk There are many unemployed people in our country. The curse of unemployment has become a big problem in our society. Today's article is only for those who are unemployed!
Unemployed life is miserable! Applications and applications for jobs. But bad news started coming from all sides one after another. That is, the news of not getting a job. After failing one by one, the young man suffers endless pain. But no matter how many problems there are, no one's life stops. And so you have to stand up. But how do you turn around?
# you have to remember first of all, get job according to educational qualification, it may not be for you.
You will not be confused at all by not getting # job. Think properly, this requires a good plan.
# You will not suffer from depression at all. It is actually your loss. Always maintain confidence. In this case that will be your capital.
# You need to have a clear idea of your areas of expertise. Be confident about yourself.
# Apply only to those jobs that you may be qualified for, rather than doing so.
# also apply for posts below and immediately above eligible posts.
# Prepare yourself well for tests and interviews.
# You have to remember one thing, every chance is your 'last' chance. So give the death bite.
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৭, ২০১৬ 8:19 pm
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