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Bandarban's Golden Temple is being banned for tourists

The Dhaka Times Desk Bandarban's tourist attraction 'Buddha Dhatu Jadi', originally known as the Golden Temple, is being banned for tourists.

One of the famous places in Bandarban district of Bangladesh is 'Buddha Dhatu Jadi' which is better known as Golden Temple. The authorities are going to impose an indefinite ban on tourist travel to the temple. It has been reported that the ban will be effective from February 20.

The temple authorities said, if you want to perform puja or religious rituals, you can enter the temple only with permission. Why such a decision was made? The temple authorities say that the tourists from different parts of the country are destroying the sanctity of the Buddhist temple and harassing the devotees in various ways.

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Bach Mang, secretary of the chief priest of the Golden Temple, Up Jan Jot Mahather, said, 'Tourists are spoiling the sanctity of the temple by touching the various idols of the temple and even sitting on the puja seats.'

There have also been incidents of throwing temple worship items. Again, many tourists enter the temple with shoes. Arguments are created by blocking them, the temple officials are facing threats - these things are said by Mr. Mong.

He said that in the wake of such untoward incidents, the temple authorities are going to impose an indefinite ban on visiting the Golden Temple for tourists.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৭, ২০১৬ 8:52 pm

Staff reporter

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